CAN&DO – Capability of Creativity and Culture for Change-Doing is on!

Jul 1, 2015Employment and Employability

can&do-webBetween 4th and 12th of July 2015 the Capability of Creativity and Culture for Change-Doing – CAN&DO Training Course will bring together 32 youth workers & youth leaders, youth advisors & peer educators, workers of intermediary organizations, social activists working with young people from 12 different European countries: Italy, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Netherlands, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania, Spain, Moldova.

This 8-day-long Training Course – funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Key Action 1, Mobility for youth workers– is based on the themes of creativity, entrepreneurial & innovative culture and “can-do” attitude. 

CAN&DO aims to provide youth workers with the ready-to-use methods on how to assist youngsters with the competences needed to become integrated into and empowered to the knowledge-based society. The  team of CAN&DO believes in the potential of youth work towards stimulating empowerment, as young people can be the best promoters of creative projects involving youngsters in social life of local communities.

During CAN&DO, participants will be involved in a great variety of activities. All the sessions will be carried out through the formal and non-formal activities with Reciprocal Maieutic Approach, Creative Thinking methods and Learning through the arts. Theoretical sessions will be integrated and performed in an interactive way. Those include group-building activities, energisers, debates techniques, work in small/big groups, outdoor activities, film projection, Open Space Technology.

In the aftermath of the Training Course, participants will maintain communication on the matters of events, projects and initiatives organized on the basis of the knowledge and skills obtained at the Training Course. They will disseminate information on the EU current programmes/policies/initiatives, mainly EU 2020 Strategy and a conducive role of its flagship initiatives for empowerment of young people as well as European Year of Development 2015.

The team of CAN&DO is pleased to invite you to the Intercultural evenings on July 5th and 6th of July. Those events will take place at the Convento di Baida (Via al Convento di Baida, 43 – Baida, Palermo). You will have an excellent opportunity to discover traditions and customs of variety of EU countries and ENP-East countries, learn about their music and dances, taste traditional dishes and beverages, as well as establish personal and professional contacts with other CAN&DO’s participants.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Baida!


 For more information, please contact

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