All the EUMOSCHOOL outcomes developed during these 3 years are now available in our website to integrate emotional education into new teacher training and professional development for current teachers.

All the EUMOSCHOOL outcomes developed during these 3 years are now available in our website to integrate emotional education into new teacher training and professional development for current teachers.
In conclusion of 3 years of shared work, the partners of the project EUMOSCHOOL met in Viterbo, Italy on July 8th and 9th 2018 to take a look on the results achieved by the project.
Create a network at local and international level to contrast early school leaving. A multiplier event in the frame of the project EUMOSCHOOL was held at Istituto Ferrara, on January 30th 2018.
After more than two years from its start and before just ten months to its end, it is time to take stock for the partners of the project EUMOSCHOOL and to programme the last and fundamental activities to be undertaken.
An online course to learn about both the importance of Emotional Education as ESL prevention approach and the Didactics of Emotions techniques.
On the 19th and 20th of November 2015 the Kick Off Meeting of the project EUMOSCHOOL – Emotional Education for Early School Leaving Prevention (ERASMUS +, KA2: Strategic Partnership on the field of schools) has been held in Palermo. The project – which will last 3...
All the EUMOSCHOOL outcomes developed during these 3 years are now available in our website to integrate emotional education into new teacher training and professional development for current teachers.
In conclusion of 3 years of shared work, the partners of the project EUMOSCHOOL met in Viterbo, Italy on July 8th and 9th 2018 to take a look on the results achieved by the project.
Create a network at local and international level to contrast early school leaving. A multiplier event in the frame of the project EUMOSCHOOL was held at Istituto Ferrara, on January 30th 2018.
After more than two years from its start and before just ten months to its end, it is time to take stock for the partners of the project EUMOSCHOOL and to programme the last and fundamental activities to be undertaken.
An online course to learn about both the importance of Emotional Education as ESL prevention approach and the Didactics of Emotions techniques.
On the 19th and 20th of November 2015 the Kick Off Meeting of the project EUMOSCHOOL – Emotional Education for Early School Leaving Prevention (ERASMUS +, KA2: Strategic Partnership on the field of schools) has been held in Palermo. The project – which will last 3...