The kick-off meeting of the IDEANNOVASHIP “Innovate and Designed for Social Entrepreneurship” project took place in Palermo on the 7th and 8th of April 2016. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Youth. The project involves five partners from five different countries including the Centre for Creative Development Danilo Dolci for Italy. The other partners are: the National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria (coordinator) from Bulgaria, GEA College – Fakulteta za podjetnistvo (Slovenia), IBOX CREATE (Spain), Antalya International University (Turkey) and University of Thessaly (Greece).
The partners met for the first time in Palermo and presented the project, its objective and the tasks of all partners. The project is aiming at:
- To develop a training programme specific for youth based on skills for social entrepreneurship
- To train trainers so that the training programme is developed in different institutions also outside the partnership
- To pilot the Ideate and Innovate Camps in different countries so to evaluate the differences among the participant countries
- To overcome fears and motivate young people lead their working life
- To develop a sustainable network of universities, companies, NGOs and associations working for youth
- To contribute to the “Agenda for new skills and jobs” by:
1. improving flexibility and security in the labour market,
2. Equipping young students and NEETs with the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow, and
3. improving the conditions for job creation
Among the project outcomes we have:
- A Facilitator Training Programme on Social Entrepreneurship (FTPSE): Partner organisations will develop an innovative Facilitator Training Programme on Social Entrepreneurship (FTPSE).
- Design of a Guideline for Organizing Innovative Ideation Camps
- 2 trainers selected by each partner organisation will be trained by the Experts from partner organisations as facilitators on the methodology to develop these IDEANNOVASHIP Camps for Youth. At the end of the training programme, the 10 workers will be able to organise and facilitate ideation camps for young people in their countries.
- Pilot Innovative Ideation Camp: During 5 days a pilot “Ideate Camp” will be conducted with 18 young people coming from the 6 countries (3 per country) and sent by each partner organisation.
- IDEANNOVASHIP´s Audiovisual Manual.
The project has a duration of two years and is coordinated for the Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” by Dario Ferrante.
For further info you can contact Dario Ferrante – Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”