Non-formal and informal education of socially disadvantaged adults included in drama therapeutical work can be used for acquisition, extension, training and empowerment of skills and competences that can increase adult learners’ employability.
The partners of the MEDART project met for the last time in Palermo on the 29th and 30th June at Centro di Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”.
On June 29th, the MEDART consortium discussed the latest phases of the project, finalising the guide, which was then premiered on 30th June.
Among the project participants there are real experts in drama therapy such as:
- Divadlo Bez Domova (Bratislava), a historical theatre company in Bratislava who has been working with homeless people for years and organises one of the most important theatre festivals in Europe for social inclusion;
- Teatr Grodzki, a Polish company working with puppets;
- acta Community Theatre in Bristol, dealing with community theatreworking with migrant women.
The guide will be soon available for download on our web site.
The MEDART project aims to disseminate new drama therapy methodologies and produce a Methodological Guide including drama therapy techniques that can be used by social workers, theatre companies, teachers working with disadvantaged people such as homeless, immigrants, handicapped people.
The project is funded by the “Erasmus+, Key Action 2 – Partnerships Strategic Education for Adults” programme and involves 8 partners from 8 countries:
- Divadlo Bez Domova (Coordinator – Slovakia);
- Acta Community Theatre (United Kingdom);
- Teatr Grodzki (Poland);
- Asociacion Acunagua (Spain);
- Drustvo ProSoc (Slovenia);
- MVKBP (Hungary);
- Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam (The Netherlands);
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy).
For further info, please contact CSC project coordinator Dario Ferrante.