Building together intercultural dialogue, collaboration and tolerance: presentation of OTHERNESS results

Jun 22, 2018News

The 15th of June at the Maria Adelaide Classical High School, in the heart of Palermo, CSC presented the results of the project Otherness.

Diversity and the respect for the others are both pillars and values to overcome prejudices, creating a society based on reciprocal collaboration and inter-cultural communication.

In this sense the venue of the event, the Maria Adelaide Classical High School, has been one of the three schools of Palermo which in these years have participated to Otherness project’s activities. A project which aims at educating students to show tolerance, expressing and understanding different viewpoints, learning to negotiate creating confidence and feeling empathy.

In this occasion the projects main findings have been presented, lessons learned and main products to more than 40 teachers and representatives of the institute, starting the event from two simple questions: why this project and why these activities?

Education is the basis of every human being growth and in an historical moment like the one in which we are living today, having the possibility to teach young students and both teachers and local communities, to appreciate and value diversity as an opportunity to build stronger and more dynamic societies, has become even more important. But not only this.

Human rights, diversity, tolerance and non-violence have been the core topics of the project through the realization of a training programme for raising students’ sensitivity towards cultural differences, developing skills for inter-cultural dialogue and active involvement.

Indeed, in these years students from the High school Regina Margherita, the Benedetto Croce Scientific High School and the Maria Adelaide Classical High school, have worked together with 9 teachers doing several activities on the main topics modules connected to: Human rights, Diversity, Identity and Active citizenship.

The training programme has included for each module a series of activities to be carried out with students with an informal learning modality.

In the course of the project, a survey administered to more than 60 students, has given us the opportunity to collect students’ opinions, giving us a picture of what is the general understanding and feelings of the youngest on these topics.

The programme has been additionally intended to enhance digital integration in learning and training through a digital tool for students and a teacher’s manual.

During the event, the teachers’ manual comprising new media products, documentaries, video lessons and other relevant digital e-contents have been presented to teachers and to representatives of the High school.

This engaging set of materials are already available in Italian, English, Bulgarian, Greek and Portuguese; a collection of interesting tools which can be used for future educational programmes!

OTHERNESS  is financed by Erasmus+ Key Activity 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships for school education with the aim to educate students to show tolerance, express and understand different viewpoints, negotiate with the ability to create confidence and feel empathy.

The partenership holds together 4 organisations:

For further information, follow us on Facebook or contact:

Do you want to use the fantastic products of the project in your next training on Human rights, Diversity, Identity and Active citizenship?

Just click on the webpage and check under the section resources.

For any additional information please contact Giada Costanzo at