Passion for learning: teacher training event in Turkey

Nov 26, 2021News

From 8th to 12th November 2021, Passion ESL partners met in Mugla, Turkey, for the training activity for teachers on the topic of preventing early school leaving.

The main objective of the training “Inclusive methods for pupils at risk of early school leaving in an off-line and digital environment” was to create a mutual understanding of the problem and of the useful techniques to be used to address it.

Another goal was to improve the ITC knowledge of teachers and trainers in order to make them able to produce e-learning contents, communicate, teach and evaluate on digital platforms.

In the preparatory phase of the event, a short online survey identified the specific needs of the participants. Topics deemed important for future project activities were therefore taken into consideration, while expert trainers were chosen from within the organizations as they possess adequate knowledge related to the identified topics.

Topics covered included: managing emotions, tackling bullying and stereotypes, empathy, activities to prevent early school leaving as well as notions on how to create online activities and games for students through the Moodle platform.

The teaching materials used during the training session made it possible to develop new materials adapted to current needs, but also to improve the skills of the participants in the field of useful methods to reduce early school leaving and the development of e-learning tools.

Finally, the event was also an opportunity for the exchange of good practices on methods useful for combating early school leaving and to discuss the upcoming mobility that will involve some students in each country.

Passion ESL – Passion for Learning is co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission (Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for School Education) and aims to create an integrated and innovative educational approach that will improve both teaching and learning performance and the inclusion of pupils at risk of early school leaving, through the use of therapeutic methods and IT tools.


If you want to know more about the project contact Marta Galvano, visit the website and follow us on Facebook: