
Empowering Europeans towards a Media-Savvy Citizenry

The project

Empowering Europeans towards a Media-Savvy Citizenry

Project Number


01/09/2023 – 31/08/2025

Funding institution

Erasmus+ - KA2 - Cooperation partnerships in adult education


Info & contacts

Social Media

In a time of increasing insecurity, uncontrolled media development and overproduction of knowledge, it is necessary to intensify the research and the debate on the quality of information, its dissemination and the impact it causes, both in local and European contexts. Media literacy is a key element for individual awareness and for the defense of democracy. It is a process that must transversally include all citizens, through an informed use of new technologies and an equitable exchange of knowledge and know-how. With the CheckMate project, we want to develop new methods of education and media literacy aimed at adults, those most exposed to the risks of misinformation and those who participate in information and educational processes.

Specifically, the CheckMate project aims at four main objectives:

  • to tackle misinformation, while bringing International Law closer to European citizens;
  • to strengthen media literacy by training participants in innovative strategies and methods to evaluate media reports;
  • to raise awareness and promote social dialogue among stakeholders aiming at developing new solutions to misinformation and suggest relevant policy recommendations;
  • to promote the use of advanced new technologies by stakeholders and participants in addressing the issue.


  • Mapping best practices in tackling misinformation and in promoting media literacy.
  • Interviews and consultations with citizens, focusing on the disadvantaged, and other stakeholders.
  • Organization of digital information sessions and workshops with civil society and other stakeholders to raise awareness using innovative metaverse platforms.
  • Development of e-training course and web browsing extension to strengthen critical media literacy.
  • Development of the Metaverse Networking Platform containing features such as avatar and venue customization, networking tools, analytics, integration with other applications.
  • Development of a policy and recommendations report based on project implementation experiences on ways to tackle misinformation and disinformation.


  • A best practice guide on tackling misinformation and strengthening media literacy in English and translated in 6 languages.
  • 6 national CheckMate networks about info sessions and workshops promoting social dialogue among industries and innovative solutions to misinformation.
  • An open-source e-course to strengthen critical media literacy skills for adults.
  • 240 participants for the piloting of the e-course and the web browsing extension tool.
  • A metaverse platform and a web browsing extension to promote the use of technology in combating misinformation.
  • 240 web browsing extension tool users.
  • 150 metaverse platform users.


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