Description of the project
Madagascar has become one of the poorest countries in the world, with close to 82.4 percent of the population living below $1.25 per day in 2010, or 92.8 percent below $2per day. The incidence of poverty is especially high in rural areas where close to 80% of Madagascar’s population lives. Poverty in rural areas is nearly twice as high than in the urban areas. Despite numerous initiatives of donors and NGOs the country’s vulnerability has increased since the beginning of the decade.
Programs of the international cooperation focused especially on reducing food insecurity and the impacts of the climate change in form of heavy cyclones. It must be observed that Capacity building and education of the local staff working on cooperation projects is often neglected even if they are the most important actors to spread the projects’ contents all over the affected territories. Frequently we observed that ownership of the project activities and aims by the local staff and the community leaders is rarely guaranteed what affects in a negative way the success and sustainability of projects.
In this context the innovative approach of MADRE is consisting in stimulating innovation and creativity of local actors to achieve social and economic empowerment in developing countries and developing and conducting Training of Community leaders to obtain a behavioral change in the communication of active multipliers. This will be realised thanks to a multilateral approach including Creative and Lateral thinking, Non-formal education and Reciprocal Maieutic Approach (RMA).
- Training of Field officers and Community Leaders.
- To educate field operators and community leaders to become “active change agents” who are not just executors of actions.
- To motivate people who live in developing areas to adopt best practices for sustainable livelihood behaviours.
- To encourage new communication skills between rural stakeholders.
- To use non-formal education tools to create and disseminate good practices.
- To share good practices through new communication skills using innovative tools (RMA, Creative thinking, Non-formal education).
- Coordinator: Welthungerhilfe, Germany
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci, Italy
- CESIE, Italy