IDEANNOVASHIP: social enterprise for European youngsters

Feb 8, 2017Youth empowerment

The second meeting of the IDEANNOVASHIP “Innovate and Designed for Social Entrepreneurship” project took place in Valencia (Spain) from the 12th to the 16th of December 2016. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ programme KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Youth. The project involves six partners from six different countries including the Centre for Creative Development Danilo Dolci for Italy. The other partners are: the National Association of Municipal Clerks in Bulgaria (coordinator) from Bulgaria, GEA College – Fakulteta za podjetnistvo (Slovenia), IBOX CREATE (Spain), Antalya International University (Turkey) and University of Thessaly (Greece).

The partners met for the second time in Valencia to share updates on the project and to organise 5-day training for 18 youth workers (3 per country) on educational materials that have been developed until now by the consortium. In particular, the Practical Guide to the organization of courses to train social entrepreneurs was presented, guide aimed at young professionals who want to encourage other young people to embark on the road of social entrepreneurship.

The project is aiming at:

  • To develop a training programme specific for youth based on skills for social entrepreneurship
  • To train trainers so that the training programme is developed in different institutions also outside the partnership
  • To pilot the Ideate and Innovate Camps in different countries so to evaluate the differences among the participant countries
  • To overcome fears and motivate young people lead their working life
  • To develop a sustainable network of universities, companies, NGOs and associations working for youth

The project has a duration of two years and is coordinated for the Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci” by Dario Ferrante.

For further info you can contact Dario Ferrante – Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”