CAREM – Collaborative Art-Making for Reducing Marginalization
Grant number: 526428-LLP-1-2012-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP
CAREM is a Comenius Multilateral Project aiming at developing and disseminating good practices of teaching based on the Collaborative art-making method in order to foster intercultural education, reduce social marginalization and promote European Citizenship in the school contexts.
The project provides for the development and trial of developing and testing educational activities, pedagogical materials and strategies based on making art in a participative and collaborative way. The activities developed during the project will be tested and adapted in each partner country, with the collaboration of students and teachers of primary and lower secondary schools that will be actively involved in the project. In the framework of the project, training for teachers will be arranged, and some support material will be also provided to try out the new tools learnt during the training.
Length of the Project: 01/01/2012 – 30/11/2014
General objectives of the project are:
- fostering intercultural education in schools;
- reducing social marginalization and facilitating practices of inclusion in the school contexts.
Specific objects of the project are:
- developing, testing, adapting and disseminating didactic works based on collaborative art: i. Encounters with Difference, ii. Marginalization reduction, iii. Promotion of Democratic European Citizenship;
- supporting the development of innovative study programmes and employing new pedagogies and technologies;
- providing good practices of teaching based on Collaborative art-making, for the three intervention areas of the project: i., ii., iii.;
- training teachers to use, in classroom, new teaching methodologies based on Collaborative art-making;
- implementing and disseminating didactic material among teachers and students of partner countries;
- disseminating, at a European level, the good practices of teaching and the educational material developed.
- Creation of the project website;
- Development of educational activities based on Collaborative art-making;
- Implementation in classroom;
- Adjustment of the offered didactic material;
- Creation and distribution of CAREM activities booklet;
- Creation and online publication of the didactic guide for teachers;
- Local training course for teachers of primary and lower secondary school;
- Support to teachers in testing the new tools learnt during the training.
- Dissemination of results and outputs of the project.
- Website of the project
- Educational material
- Booklet of CAREM’s activities
- Didactic guide for teachers
- Training course
- Project Coordinator: UNIC – University of Nicosia – Cyprus
- ULS – Universal Learning System – Ireland
- ESTA – Bildungswerk -Germany
- CSC DD – Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” – Italy
- PLT – Platon Schools – Greece
Programme: Executive Agency EAC – Lifelong Learning Programme – Multilateral Comenius
Local Coordinator of the project:
Dario Ferrante –
Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, Via Roma, 94 – 90133 Palermo, Italia
Tel. +39 0916177252
Project Leader:
Panayiotis Angelides –
UNIC – University of Nicosia – Cyprus
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.