The final conference of the LLP Leonardo TOI project “Language interpreter training as a stepping stone to work” took place in Berlin on September 10th 2014. The event was organised by Iberika Sprachschule, the German partner of the project, and it was hosted at the Haus der Deutschen Caritas in Berlin.
All partners participated in the event, giving their active contribution to its preparation and delivery: Dacorum Council for Voluntary Service – UK, Runi Center – Bulgaria, Iberika – Germany, Active Citizens Partnership – Greece, and Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”– Italy.
Both project managers and trainers from all partner countries were present, and a special guest was invited, Mrs. Inés Odriozola Alén, conference interpreter accredited to the EU, who delivered a speech on the importance of interpreting.
First, an introduction was made to describe the project, and each partner presented its organisation, describing its vision and activities. Dacorum CVS, as the lead partner of the project, explained the original idea for the UK training and why the innovative training model for public service interpreting can be useful in all partner countries. A special contribution was given by Ian Mckenzie, trainer of the original course in UK, who was the first to adopt this innovative methodology.
A video teaser on the project and training courses was prepared by the Greek partner with contributions from all partners, and it was shown during the conference. Additionally, the e-learning modules were described to the audience, with a live demonstration of how to use the Wiki glossary tool and the Moodle platform.
During the conference, special attention was paid to the adaptation and delivery of the pilot training in all partner countries: an overview of the implementation of the two pilot courses in all partner countries was provided by CSC through a presentation describing the work carried out in all countries to adapt the materials and prepare the courses, the challenges faced while delivering the course and the achievements for students.
At the end of the LITSSW final event, the partners shared their satisfaction for the results obtained during the 2-year project, and discussed about future plans and further opportunities for a follow-up.
For further information on the project and on the final event please visit or write to: