New horizons with the ACT-DI-V Toolkit: an innovative educational resource

Aug 5, 2024News

The ACT-DI-V Toolkit is an innovative resource developed as part of the ACT-DI-V project. This initiative marks a significant step forward in promoting active citizenship through education, offering essential tools to educators to facilitate dialogue and inclusion in school communities and beyond.

Why the ACT-DI-V Toolkit is important

The ACT-DI-V project is opening new horizons for educators and researchers, providing them with practical tools to promote active dialogical citizenship practices. In an era where inclusion and active participation are essential for social progress, the toolkit represents an indispensable resource for anyone involved in the field of education.

Read the fifth newsletter of the ACT-DI-V project!

For more information about ACT-DI-V click here or contact Riccardo Bellavista:

ACT-DI-V is a project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme – Key Action 2 – Cooperation partnerships in school education.
