Mesi delle arti di Borgo di Dio – Danilo Vive

Dec 13, 2013Community development, News

danilo_vive-01The time has come for the second-to-last appointment within the event “Mesi delle arti di Borgo di Dio”. The Project Partnership intends to pay tribute to the Training Center, Borgo di Dio, remembering the disappearance of its founder, Danilo Dolci. On December 30th 1997, indeed, one of the main non-violence activists in Italy died, and on December 29th and 30th 2013 two tribute concerts were organized in Trappeto.

On December 29th 2013 at 7 p.m., a music show titled “Christmas songs” will take place at the Church Madre Maria SS Annunziata in Trappeto, with the most beautiful Christmas songs from the international tradition arranged by the Benny Amoroso Band from the Association “Cento per l’arte e la cultura” in Partinico. On December 30th 2013 at 7 p.m. at the Church Madre Maria SS Annunziata in Trappeto, a Christmas Concert titled “Nnì la nutti trionfanti” will be organized by the Association Folkloric Group “Gazzara” from Caltavuturo. The show refers to Christian roots, a story drawn from the evangelical message, spaced out with songs and music representing Jesus birth. About 20 elements wearing a typical cloth, including musicians and cantors, will perform music belonging to the Sicilian cultural heritage. The rhythmic – melodic accompaniment is made through an accordion, bagpipes, ciarameddi, flute, drum, tambourine and guitar. For further details and information on the next, and last, event of this series, please visit the project website:

Partnership del Borgo di Dio