How to get small businesses to access the digital future?
That was the question at the center of the panel discussion organized by the Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci – ETS. The online event brought together experts and entrepreneurs to explore how LEVEL UP can really make a difference in the digitalization journey of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
During the discussion, a clear message emerged: digital is no longer an option, but a necessity for SMEs to remain competitive. LEVEL UP, with its courses dedicated to crucial topics such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), aims to offer concrete tools to meet the challenges of the contemporary market.
One of the most debated topics was the accessibility of digital training. Many small businesses, especially in Southern Italy, face difficulties related to lack of time, economic resources or basic skills. In this context, asynchronous courses have proven to be an effective solution, allowing entrepreneurs to study independently and at times that best suit their needs.
Also discussed were the territorial inequalities that continue to characterize our country. Despite initiatives such as Industry 4.0 or the New Skills Fund, many microenterprises – particularly in the South – remain excluded from these opportunities. One virtuous example cited during the event is the Eccellenze in Digitale project, which demonstrated how a targeted and direct approach can support smaller businesses in their digital transformation.
Another key point that emerged from the roundtable was the importance of offering tailored training paths. Not all businesses start at the same level: some need a solid foundation, such as creating a website or managing social media, while others are ready to tackle more advanced topics, such as artificial intelligence or data analytics. Adapting content to the degree of digital maturity of companies has been identified as a crucial step to ensure concrete and lasting results.
LEVEL UP has reaffirmed its commitment to providing innovative and practical solutions. With its long experience in education and training, it is able to adapt content to local needs, actively collaborating with businesses and institutions to ensure a positive impact on the local area.
Prominent among the proposals put forward is the idea of creating a stable network between the public and private sectors, capable of offering ongoing support to businesses. This network could include local digital platforms, certified courses and constant updates of training content to stay abreast of rapid technological developments. Indeed, without a culture of continuous training, SMEs risk losing competitiveness in an increasingly digital world.
LEVEL UP aims to be a strategic ally for SMEs, guiding them toward sustainable growth and helping them seize the opportunities offered by digitization. However, success in this journey is not a one-time goal, but an ongoing commitment: staying curious, keeping up to date and adapting to changes in the market and technology.
May it be time for you to take your step into digital?
Level Up – LEVEraging knowLedge of training providers in UPskilling and reskilling of SMEs’ managers and employees towards empowering their digital transformation is funded by the European Union’s Digital Europe (DIGITAL) Program and will be implemented from January 2023 to December 2025.
- GrantXpert Consulting Ltd (Coordinator, Cyprus)
- JOIST Innovation Park (Greece)
- Association of Thessalian Enterprises and Industries (STHEV) (Greece)
- Centro per Lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)
- Cyprus Information Technologies Enterprises Association – CITEA (Cyprus)
- Digian (Greece)
- Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Cyprus)
- European University – Cyprus Ltd (Cyprus)
- Hellenic Digital Health Cluster Private Company/ Hellenic Digital Health Cluster (Greece)
- Informatikai, Tavkozlesi Es Elektronikai Vallalkozasok Szovetsege (Hungary)
- Prizztech Oy (Finland)
- Regionalna Izba Gospodarcza Pomorza – RIGP (Poland)
- Stackfuel GmbH (Germany)
Associated partner:
For further information read the project information sheet, visit the website and follow us on Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram e YouTube.
For more information, feel free to contact Riccardo Bellavista: