The second Newsletter of the Passion ESL Project – Passion for Learning is online!

Jun 30, 2022News

We are glad to announce the publication of the second Newsletter of the PASSION ESL project, which provides information about the first mobility for students and teachers in Turkey. This is the first of a series of mobilities that will also take place in Romania, Italy and Poland with the aim of testing some of the activities carried out in the project context in the partner countries with pupils from other schools, in order to enrich the learning experiences, the skills and competences of the students and tackling early school leaving.

To learn more about planned actions to reduce early school leaving (ESL) through therapeutic education methodologies for the inclusion of students at risk of school dropout, and to support the introduction and effective use of digital technology in schools, read the Newsletter!

Click here to read the second Newsletter!

Passion ESL – Passion for Learning, is co-funded by the Erasmus + program of the European Commission (Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for School Education) and aims to create an integrated and innovative educational approach that will improve both teaching and learning performance and the inclusion of pupils at risk of early school leaving, through the use of therapeutic methods and IT tools.


If you want to know more about the project contact Marta Galvano

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