LEAP – Learning to Participate

The project

LEAP – Learning to Participate

Project Number


01-02-2019 / 30-04-2021

Funding institution

Erasmus+; KA2 Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Strategic Partnerships for youth


Info & contacts


Social Media

Description of the project

According to the last Eurobarometer survey on European youth, almost the half of young people are not active in different participative areas, or do not belong to any organisations of youth or culture. Especially youth with a lower socio-economic status is less engaged and there are indications that social and democratic exclusion go hand in hand. The turnout rates at European elections in 2014 shows a slight upturn for national and local elections, were significantly lower than that of older generations. In this context, the project Learning to Participate (LEAP) takes action. LEAP project promotes youth empowerment through the experimentation of Project-based learning (PBL) in non-formal education to stimulate skills development and youth participation. In fact, LEAP uses PBL as pedagogical model and a solution to address social inclusion since it can promote common projects led by young people and directly initiated by them,  supporting them in being more involved as active citizens and empower youth capacity for action.

LEAP is aimed at: 1) introducing PBL as work practice in non-formal education youth organization; 2) supporting young people in the development of a social and civic competences; 3) strengthening common European values about youth participation; 3) reinforcing intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity amongst young people in the participating organisations; 4) establishing a new form of collaboration amongst formal and non-formal education organisations participating in the project. 


  • Pedagogical Booklet – Project-based Learning in non-formal education a tool for youth professionals with good practices & tips to implement PBL within youth organisations. (IT + ResourcesEN + Resources)
  • Project-based learning Methodology a detailed description of PBL methodology, including a training outline and a theoretical framework for skills validation. (Methodology ITMethodology EN)
  • PBL Training Offer A Training Framework to be implemented in any youth organizations to improve skills and competences of young people in the Project-based Learning methodology.
  • Youth Participation: Charter and PBL application a training & audiovisual product, including a Charter on Youth Participation and a set of Guidelines on how PBL can be used in youth projects, with concrete examples from the project implementation. (Charter ITCharter EN)
  • 3 Youth Blended Mobility for the experimentation of PBL, with 45 young people participating in mobility activities;
  • 4 Multiplier Events involving young people, youth workers and youth education professionals to spread the results at all levels.