Supporting migrant and refugee parents through an educational inclusion process: the p2t project has started

Jan 27, 2023News

The Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, together with six other partners, has started a process to promote the involvement and the inclusion of migrant and refugee parents within pre-primary and primary schools in Europe.

The first transnational meeting of P2T – COMMUNITY took place on the 29th and 30th November 2022 in Ljubljana. The project aims to build a virtuous process to help these parents to feel part of the host community and teachers to acquire the necessary tools to communicate and relate more easily with people coming from different cultural contexts.

As part of the project, it is expected to elaborate:

  • A transnational report containing the good practices collected about the topic identified in the educational field at a local and international level.
  • Creative workshops that will be organized with migrant and refugee parents.
  • A methodological manual on the activities held during the workshops to allow the reproduction of the course.
  • An online platform in which the materials, resources and good practices collected during the project can be uploaded.

In Ljubljana, the project partners together with several teachers from all the countries involved met to discuss the launch of the various activities. Around a round table, the participants had the opportunity to share the main difficulties of teachers in relating with migrant/refugee parents. During the meeting, it was revealed that schools are often forced to fill a gap left by the institutions. For this reason, having guidelines on how to behave in front of certain eventualities can be of great help for teachers.

Therefore, meeting all together allowed the participants to highlight the issues to be addressed in the workshops that will be held in the different partner cities. The workshops will be especially focused on the needs of teachers in developing a relationship with parents that can lead to a greater collaboration in the school support of foreign students.

In fact, one of the main objectives is to train school teachers, giving them the opportunity to increase their intercultural and communicative skills, organizing live meetings and providing them with adequate tools.

In the coming months, the partners will work together to develop the resources and organize the activities.

P2T COMMUNITY – PARENT INVOLVEMENT OF MIGRANT CHILDREN is funded by the Erasmus + KA2 Partnership in Adult Education Programme.


For further information contact Giulia D’Annibale:

Visit the website and Facebook page of Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”.