Check out the storytelling course to process emotions, fears and trauma

Feb 10, 2023News

The course on the use of storytelling for those working with young people on the autism spectrum (ASD), and/or with mental health disorders is now online as part of the project StoryLiving!

The course on storytelling is aimed at teachers, educators, social workers, psychologists and social workers. The Training Programme, available online on the project website, covers the impact of the pandemic for children with autism and/or other mental health disorders; the tools for digital storytelling, the methodology of storytelling and digital storytelling and how to accompany children in telling their own story.

The feedback from the Italian professionals who already took the course were very positive:

“The course was quite educational and interesting. Undoubtedly, I have clearer ideas on how to adopt this methodology in school contexts to promote the inclusion process of pupils with disabilities. The ideas and suggestions were a valuable source from which to take inspiration in a creative, original and didactically appropriate manner.”

“The course was very interesting, I had the opportunity to learn a technique that will help me a lot in my work but I hope that in the near future the courses will be done in presence.”

“Satisfied with the notions acquired and intrigued by the topic I will try to delve into storytelling, and later into storyliving, to take note of the benefits of this especially in the field of emotions“.

STORYLIVING – ENABLING YOUTH WITH DEVELOP MENTAL DISABILITIES & MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS TO SHARE THEIR COVID-19 EXPERIENCES THROUGH DIGITAL STORYTELLING is funded by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships | Youth. Storyliving aims to overcome the challenges faced by young people with developmental disabilities and mental disorders during the pandemic through the use of digital storytelling.


For further information read more about StoryLiving, visit the website of the project and contact Alessandro Bosco: