Combining the cycling world with the artistic world

Mar 8, 2023News

Are you passionate about cycling and want to strengthen your skills and knowledge?

Participate in our workshops about bicycle repairing and maintenance while promoting conscious cycling and artistic expression!

CSC Danilo Dolci invites you to participate in the workshops within the project The Art of Cycling to promote the conscious use of bicycles and artistic techniques and expressions, in order to fix and customise your own bicycle.

The workshops will be led by a bicycle expert and will present different steps on the assembly, repair and maintenance of bicycles.

It involves three workshops and a final event;

  • First workshop: Saturday, 11-03-2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, topic on how to prepare the safely for cycling;
  • Second workshop: Saturday, 18-03-2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, on maintenance tips and basics about cycling;
  • Third workshop: Sunday, 19-03-2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, customisation of bicycles, tips and tricks for artists;
  • Final Event: Saturday 25-03-2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; promoting conscious bicycle use and artistic expression.

All the workshops will be organised in the premises of Ciclofficina Perez, located in the centre of Palermo at VIA MENDOLA, 23. Ciclofficina Perez is an artistic and experiential co-creation lab that was established to promote activities about artistic work on bicycle maintenance and use the sustainable mobility.

Each meeting will involve a maximum of 10 people and a participant can attend only one workshop.  While the final event that will take on 25-03 is open to all the participants.  Please select your convenient date by clicking on this link in order to participate.

TAC – The Art of Cycling 
is a project funded by the program Erasmus + – KA2: Strategic Partnership | Adult. TAC aims to teach adults a new and valuable basic skill (bicycle assembly, repair and maintenance) that will enable them to adopt an environmentally friendly and sustainable lifestyle. The project also aims to develop the artists’ skills in a new form, through the design of bicycle components and their decoration.


For further information visit our Facebook page o scrivi a Bala Ram Gaire a