Description of the project
Cambio Rotta is a project of valorisation and development of a property confiscated from the Mafia, Ex Villa Geraci, located in Altavilla Milicia in Contrada Consolare, returned to the community thanks to the effort of Consorzio Ulisse and its partners. The project starts form the structural renovation of the property in order to realize spaces for food services, aiming at the creation of an International School of Mediterranean Kitchen at the premises of the confiscated Villa.
The project aims to qualify the polyvalent Centre Cambio Rotta with a cultural offer and tourist accommodation that promotes intercultural dialogue through the enhancement of the culinary traditions of the peoples and the inhabitants of the the Mediterranean Sea bordering countries. The school will be a place of hospitality for Italian and foreign chefs to promote the traditional regional cuisine and in general the Mediterranean diet.
The courses are accompanied by Maieutic and Creative Thinking activity proposals by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, during which the participants learn about the regions of origin of the chefs doing a virtual tour through relationships encoded by food.
Delivery of food services and cooking workshops led by Master Chefs from different countries of the Mediterranean area. The courses aim to convey to participants, through practical activities in the kitchen, concepts and techniques on how to prepare the dishes of their own countries and the promotion of the Mediterranean diet as a collective heritage. Each course is accompanied by the facilitator of Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”, to drive the learners’ groups through the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach and Creative Thinking techniques.
- Qualified tourist offer of the Altavilla Milicia territory through the creation of a close link between the confiscated property and the development of high-profile cultural events.
- Involved young people in the local community through the production of initiatives in schools and expanded their knowledge and education.
- Promoted the cultural and agri-food heritage of the countries and individual regions bordering the Mediterranean also in view of the spread of a food culture based on the principles of nutrition and health of the Mediterranean Diet.
- Coordinator: Consorzio Ulisse
- Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci”
- Associazione A.L.I. Ambiente Legalità Intercultura
- Associazione Aquilone