Learning by Mobility

The project

Learning by Mobility

Project Number


21/12/2017 – 20/08/2018

Funding institution

“Giovani protagonisti di sé e del territorio (CreAZIONI giovani)” Linea d’intervento 5 “Giovani in Europa”– Sicilian Region


Info & contacts


Social Media

Description of the project

Learning by Mobility is a project that provides for mobility experiences in Spain for 12 eligible beneficiaries residing in Sicily, between the ages of 18 and 36 years old. The Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci is the project coordinator in partnership with the Spanish organization MUNDUS – Un mundo a tus pies.

The project is aimed at socio-economically disadvantaged youths Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) who, for various reasons (school dropouts, family issues, lack of self-confidence or a clear vision of professional goals, etc.), are not currently engaged in work or training courses. Learning by Mobility will allow young people having fewer opportunities to get involved and experiment their potential while strengthening their relational and professional capabilities. Through the mobility experience the project aims to bolster participants’ interpersonal, professional and social skills.

The project involves these youths in activities that can enrich their fund of work experience and promote their active participation in society. The young people are to collaborate with the host Spanish organizations and actively contribute to the realization of recreational and socio-cultural activities on a daily basis. Upon completion of their mobility experience each beneficiary will have received not only training, but also a personal work plan tailored to their specific profiles.


  • To Increase the soft and personal skills recognized at European level (ability to work in groups, intercultural sensitivity, self-confidence, sense of responsibility, conflict resolution …)
  • To Increase the linguistic, pedagogical, organizational and professional skills of young people involved;
  • To encourage the awareness of European citizenship and active participation among the young Sicilians involved.


  • Introduction mobility Workshop and training and definition of personal Mobility plan
  • Mobility for 6 weeks and 12 Sicilian young people disadvantaged NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) between 18 and 36.
  • Participation and contribute to the management of tourism, socio-cultural, and recreational activities in the host Spanish organizations.
  • Dissemination of the project results.
  • project self-assessment seminar and final evaluation.


  • Development of soft skills (self-awareness of oneself, ability to manage social relationships in intercultural contexts, team work and conflict resolution;)
  • activation of training opportunities, meetings, cultural exchanges and acquisition of experiences that can be spent in social and professional terms in the contexts of belonging.
  • Strengthening of linguistic, pedagogical and organizational skills learned in work contexts.
  • Acquisition of awareness of the function of active citizenship in community development.
  • Exchange of good practices and strengthening the relationships of collaboration between the partners.


CSC: iniziative@danilodolci.org