
Double interview with PRoMOTE Youth Workers

Double interview with PRoMOTE Youth Workers

At the end of the project PRoMOTE, we have asked our youth worker Rosina Ndukwe from the UK and Anna Bellanfrom Italy to interview each other about their experience at CSC and MEH and the impact the project has made on their professional and personal growth.

PRoMOTE: New Perspectives Through Mobility and Exchange

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is partner in a new European project funded under the Youth in Action programme sub-action 4.3 that will support the mobility of Youth Workers in Europe. The 12 month project called PRoMOTE: New Perspectives Through...

Yalim, tale of a mobility experience in Liverpool

Yalim, tale of a mobility experience in Liverpool

Testimony of mobility experience in Liverpool The project YALIM - Youth Active Learning In Moving of the Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.3 Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility, gave me the opportunity to work in Liverpool for six months My host organisation,...

GIVE ME 50+ : It’s never too late to volunteer abroad

GIVE ME 50+ : It’s never too late to volunteer abroad

We are looking for 6 senior volunteers (over 50) ready to do a volunteering experience abroad offering their willingness, strength and experience. “GIVE ME 50 +” is a volunteering project, within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, addressed to...

YALIM – Adam’s experience

YALIM – Adam’s experience

Adam Robson's experience in Palermo, within YALIM project. 6 months in Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci gave me the chance to live and experience another cultural and working environment, enriching my social skills and adaptability and permitting me to...

[English] YALIM – Youth Active Learning In Moving

[English] YALIM – Youth Active Learning In Moving

This bilateral project is developed in 2 NGOs, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci and Merseyside Expanding Horizons, in which the two youth workers have had a strong and fruitful working relationship, thanks to the previous collaboration experiences. The...

[English] Active Now

ACTIVE NOW is a volunteer project addressed to people aged over 50. It is a bilateral project that has involved the Center for Creative Development Danilo Dolci and the Community Action Dacorum. 6 English and 6 Italian volunteers have spent 3 weeks of volunteering...

Over fifty? Active now!

Over fifty? Active now!

ACTIVE NOW! Is a GIVE project that will take place in Hemel Hempstead, near Dacorum, a beautiful village in the green countryside around London. According to GIVE program this project give the chance to people who is over 50 now and would like to experience the...

Double interview with PRoMOTE Youth Workers

Double interview with PRoMOTE Youth Workers

At the end of the project PRoMOTE, we have asked our youth worker Rosina Ndukwe from the UK and Anna Bellanfrom Italy to interview each other about their experience at CSC and MEH and the impact the project has made on their professional and personal growth.

PRoMOTE: New Perspectives Through Mobility and Exchange

Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo “Danilo Dolci” is partner in a new European project funded under the Youth in Action programme sub-action 4.3 that will support the mobility of Youth Workers in Europe. The 12 month project called PRoMOTE: New Perspectives Through...

Yalim, tale of a mobility experience in Liverpool

Yalim, tale of a mobility experience in Liverpool

Testimony of mobility experience in Liverpool The project YALIM - Youth Active Learning In Moving of the Youth in Action Programme, Action 4.3 Support to Youth Workers’ Mobility, gave me the opportunity to work in Liverpool for six months My host organisation,...

GIVE ME 50+ : It’s never too late to volunteer abroad

GIVE ME 50+ : It’s never too late to volunteer abroad

We are looking for 6 senior volunteers (over 50) ready to do a volunteering experience abroad offering their willingness, strength and experience. “GIVE ME 50 +” is a volunteering project, within the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union, addressed to...

YALIM – Adam’s experience

YALIM – Adam’s experience

Adam Robson's experience in Palermo, within YALIM project. 6 months in Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci gave me the chance to live and experience another cultural and working environment, enriching my social skills and adaptability and permitting me to...

[English] YALIM – Youth Active Learning In Moving

[English] YALIM – Youth Active Learning In Moving

This bilateral project is developed in 2 NGOs, Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci and Merseyside Expanding Horizons, in which the two youth workers have had a strong and fruitful working relationship, thanks to the previous collaboration experiences. The...

[English] Active Now

ACTIVE NOW is a volunteer project addressed to people aged over 50. It is a bilateral project that has involved the Center for Creative Development Danilo Dolci and the Community Action Dacorum. 6 English and 6 Italian volunteers have spent 3 weeks of volunteering...

Over fifty? Active now!

Over fifty? Active now!

ACTIVE NOW! Is a GIVE project that will take place in Hemel Hempstead, near Dacorum, a beautiful village in the green countryside around London. According to GIVE program this project give the chance to people who is over 50 now and would like to experience the...