TSITour – Training on Social Inclusion in Tourism, by including elderly people as local storytellers for the Tourism Industry

The project

TSITour – Training on Social Inclusion in Tourism, by including elderly people as local storytellers for the Tourism Industry

Project Number


1/11/2019- 31/10/2021

Funding institution

DG EAC, Education and Training, Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships | Vocational education and training


Info & contacts


Social Media

Description of the project

Data from EUROSTAT show that the population is ageing in EU-28: there are more people above 65 years old than below 14, the average age increased from 38 years in 2001 to 42,5 years in 2016 and it estimates that the percentage of population in EU above 85 years will triple from 2016 till 2080. Some VET programmes include a training module on how to implement projects for the people under social care in order to bring positive effects for their psychophysical health.

Given this context, TSITour proposes the creation of a new training module for the VET courses in the field of social care. Specifically, the project aims to train social workers on how to implement projects that develop/enhance competencies for the social inclusion of those elderly people who are under social care, and value them. The storytelling competences of the elderly people are applied in the touristic context, allowing the tourists to listen to the typical local stories from the mouths of those people who directly experienced them. This does not only prevent the idleness of the elderly people, but also shows them that they can play an important role into society. In this way, it is possible to boost their psychophysical health, showing the tourists an innovative experience that represent an added-value as touristic attraction.


  • Collection of 200 Questionnaires focusing on the inclusion and the valorisation of the elderly people;
  • Conduction of 20 Interviews with disabled people, old people and people at risk of social exclusion;
  • Collection of good practices and/or inspirational cases regarding the inclusion of disabled people, old people and people at risk of social exclusion;
  • Organisation of a series of Round Tables with professionals and experts in the field of the inclusion of people in difficulties;
  • Development of training resources;
  • Implementation of 2 pilot tests involving stakeholders in order to test the acquired competences of the participants in the training pilot course and the effectiveness of the activities implemented.


  • TSITour Training Programme: this output consists in the construction of the Training Programme enabling trainees to prepare and manage projects concerning the social inclusion of the elderly people. The programme is the result of the following implemented activities: interviews, questionnaires, good practices/inspirational cases, benchmarking, round tables and a final publication.
  • TSITour Training Platform, Resources and Pilot Testing: this output aims at testing the content of the Training Programme, implementing an online training platform and the related resources on the main topics of the project. Secondly, 2 pilot tests are implemented. The first pilot testing concerns the implementation of the online and/or face-to-face training module for the VET students in the field of social care. The second one is more practical, focusing on the real storytelling experiences implemented by elderly people together with the support of the project participants.