Description of the project Migration flows in UE have increased over the last years. Between 1990 and 2010, in particular the number of Muslims in Europe has risen by 14,5 million, and an increase of 2 percentage points is expected during the next 20 years (Pew...
Integration and Inclusion
REACT – Refugee Engagement And integration through Community Theatre
Description of the project The project wants to introduce Community Theatre as a tool to foster a positive intercultural dialogue between the refugees and the host society in an appropriate way that the available competences of the refugees suffice. The project will...
MEDART – Methods of Education for Disadvantaged Adults Rooted in Theatre
Description of the project The MEDART project is focused on the creation of a methodical guide for education of socially disadvantaged adults by using theatre and drama-therapeutical approaches and techniques. MEDART aims at creating and using theatrical practices,...
UPS – Unused Potentials of Senior Migrants
Description of the project The project addresses elderly migrants, “experts for life” of different migrant milieus, taking over the bridging function to migrants of the specific milieus that need help in diverse areas of their lives. These elderly migrants are...
LITSSW – Language Interpreter Training as Stepping Stone to Work
Description of the project Mobility of citizens is a guiding principle of the European Union, as demonstrated by the European Year of Workers Mobility in 2006 and European Year of Citizens proposed in 2013. In this perspective, interpreting to address language...
SAMIN: Supporting VET by approaching ethnics minorities
Description of the project The necessity of the project is rooted in the discriminatory processes existing in VET and, more broadly, in the labour market of several EU Member States. These practices prevent not only a deep integration of migrants and a full...
LAUTC – Learn About Us Through Culture
Description of the project The project aims to help people from communities with an high level of immigration to enter in the educational sphere and to value their own cultural heritage, offering new opportunities of Lifelong Learning (through strategies and...
Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through cultural diversity
Description of the project The workshop involves 20 adult learners aged over 30 and coming from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds from 11 European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania,...
Description of the project The project provides innovative non-formal training programs against early school-leaving and social exclusion and intends to support families and workers through socio-cultural growth training programs. Panormus involves students from the...
SALAAM – preventing the riSe of rAdicaLism and islAMophobia through art
Description of the project Migration flows in UE have increased over the last years. Between 1990 and 2010, in particular the number of Muslims in Europe has risen by 14,5 million, and an increase of 2 percentage points is expected during the next 20 years (Pew...
REACT – Refugee Engagement And integration through Community Theatre
Description of the project The project wants to introduce Community Theatre as a tool to foster a positive intercultural dialogue between the refugees and the host society in an appropriate way that the available competences of the refugees suffice. The project will...
MEDART – Methods of Education for Disadvantaged Adults Rooted in Theatre
Description of the project The MEDART project is focused on the creation of a methodical guide for education of socially disadvantaged adults by using theatre and drama-therapeutical approaches and techniques. MEDART aims at creating and using theatrical practices,...
UPS – Unused Potentials of Senior Migrants
Description of the project The project addresses elderly migrants, “experts for life” of different migrant milieus, taking over the bridging function to migrants of the specific milieus that need help in diverse areas of their lives. These elderly migrants are...
LITSSW – Language Interpreter Training as Stepping Stone to Work
Description of the project Mobility of citizens is a guiding principle of the European Union, as demonstrated by the European Year of Workers Mobility in 2006 and European Year of Citizens proposed in 2013. In this perspective, interpreting to address language...
SAMIN: Supporting VET by approaching ethnics minorities
Description of the project The necessity of the project is rooted in the discriminatory processes existing in VET and, more broadly, in the labour market of several EU Member States. These practices prevent not only a deep integration of migrants and a full...
LAUTC – Learn About Us Through Culture
Description of the project The project aims to help people from communities with an high level of immigration to enter in the educational sphere and to value their own cultural heritage, offering new opportunities of Lifelong Learning (through strategies and...
Culturitalian: the art of learning Italian through cultural diversity
Description of the project The workshop involves 20 adult learners aged over 30 and coming from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds from 11 European countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania,...
Description of the project The project provides innovative non-formal training programs against early school-leaving and social exclusion and intends to support families and workers through socio-cultural growth training programs. Panormus involves students from the...